The Divine Service centers on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and risen for sinners by focusing on His gifts given to us through His Word and Sacraments. We follow the liturgical pattern of worship passed down by Christians for over 2,000 years. Worship is accompanied by a bulletin to guide you through the service.
You will hear and sing to music that is both reverent and relevant as it employs the Church’s songs from centuries past as well as newer hymns and compositions. In every pew, you will find our hymnal, the Lutheran Service Book, from which we sing the Lord’s saving deeds with enthusiasm. The Divine Service also regularly incorporates various instruments, such as the organ, trumpet, violin, flute, and hand bells, as well as choral arrangements for soloists, small ensembles, the Kantorei (our children’s choir), and the Schola Cantorum (our adult choir).
Learn more about our musical ensembles.
Members of congregations of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod may partake of the Sacrament with us, trusting that in this Holy Meal the Lord Jesus Christ is present and gives His true Body and Blood under the bread and wine for our forgiveness, life, and salvation. If you're a guest, we ask that you speak to the Pastor prior to communing.
You can park in the lot adjacent to our church at the corner of Itaska Street and Brannon Avenue, on the streets near the church - Neosho Street, Brannon Avenue, or Itaska Street, or in the small lot on the west side of the church. If you need easy access without steps into the building, we recommend parking in the smaller westside lot.
See where we're located.
Wednesdays during Advent at 7 p.m.
Wednesdays during Lent at 7 p.m.
We regularly celebrate the following feasts and festivals that usually fall on days other than Sundays: